Success Stories
Quotes about Becky
I feel part of a team and that is because Becky includes everybody – there is no sense of favouritism and we all have a laugh.
Your creativity, passion and integrity shine through. You make exploring movement fun.
We moved to South Wales last October. Remarkably, what I miss most about living where I used to is Becky! We attended Becky’s inspirational classes for less than a year but they changed our lives.
Becky is always enthusiastic, encouraging and very perceptive. Her attention to detail and observational skills ensure we get the most benefit from the exercises we undertake. Becky is totally dependable. Above all she makes our classes fun and we all regard her as a friend.
I refer my patients to Becky once I have treated their pain with osteopathy, massage and exercises. Although I have helped make changes to underlying postal issues I have every confidence that Becky is an excellent practitioner to help make long-lasting changes which will help prevent the reoccurrence of pain.
Often the smallest of changes and simplest of movements help prevent strain and help the body move more freely and easily and Becky’s individual approach and attention to detail make this an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.
I have been truly stunned as within my first one hour class Becky managed to not only give me enough confidence to attempt the exercises but also never at any point made me feel an idiot.
Becky really makes the classes fun and informative.
I think you have a real gift for connection and are able to not only connect with your clients but also help them reconnect with themselves.
You are so positive and you never make me feel a failure (I’ve always felt stupid doing any kind of exercise other than going for a walk). Your imaginative approach really works for me – it keeps me interested and it also frees my mind.
What you offer is unique. You accept all our different bodies and minds and it encourages me to be more accepting of both myself and others.
Becky’s enthusiasm for what she is doing shines through all the laughter whilst she supervises everyone to ensure they are doing the exercises correctly and safely to reap the maximum benefit.
AiM one-to-one Work
Thank you so much for my session yesterday and for taking the time to send my homework. I must say I have been half of the day cursing you as I can hardly move around (!) but the rest of the day elated as when I rode my horses I could feel a really serious change, a powerful shift in my abilities. Can’t wait for the next session!
From the first AiM session with Becky, I started to notice a positive difference and this continued over the next five sessions. I’m happy to say that I am now almost back to running normally again, which a few months ago, seemed an impossibility. Thanks for your help Becky, you’ve managed to help me get back to doing something that I really love…. RUNNING!
My posture as a whole feels straighter while the body feels nicely relaxed at the same time, I’m not having to force my posture straight as much it feels much more natural.
It definitely feels like progress is being made and I literally cannot wait for our next session!
Just an email to say how pleased I was with our session on Monday – your analysis made real sense – I have walked my dog today without any leg pain, and feel as if I am walking ‘normally’.
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you Becky for everything I feel so positive with what I can achieve with your help and guidance and I promise to do all my homework.
Appreciate your speedy & rich email of information. After our session I felt pretty happy. Some aches, yes, although nothing dramatic. Interestingly, I have been walking more softly for the past couple of days. Amazing what can be achieved in a single session with the right targeted movement.
I did find last week that I felt bloody great after doing the homework exercises – so much so that when I went out for a walk in the evening, I actually felt much more fluid which was lovely!
Just to let you know that the exercises are relieving the discomfort and the groin pain has gone, if I feel it twinge a couple of the movements you gave me sort it out.
Since my 1 to 1 sessions with Becky I have been conscientious in practicing the special exercises that Becky has suggested and find that my toes move more easily and my bunions seem to be reducing. I can stand more erect and use my leg muscles more fully. My blood pressure is down and I have lost 2 stone in weight with a much healthier attitude towards physical activities. She has also made me aware of the importance of some quiet downtime in my life.
I felt a deep but really good fatigue in my upper legs, glutes and a bit in the lower back. Yet more mobile in my calves, soleus and feet. Really cool! Walking felt different in a good way last night. I really enjoyed the session and found it really interesting too. It broke a lot of fitness “rules” and turned them in to fallacies very quickly! Brilliant.
Thanks again. It was a truly liberating experience.
I’ve had lower back pain on and off since having children. This past year I’ve had more constant pain, not particularly brought on by any obvious movement. I’ve got to the stage of lots of pain killers just to get through the day and so thought I’d give Becky and AiM a go.
1st session and Becky asked lots of questions, got me to stand and walk and move toes around. Then with the use of some foam wedges and movement my foot muscles were “woken up” and when asked what I was feeling all I could say was “it feels weird”. This was aching in muscles I didn’t know existed in my foot and leg that felt completely different to the back pain I was experiencing. I felt like I’d done a lower body workout, all without getting out of breath. I was given 3 exercises for homework and sent some videos to help remember what to do. I slept well that night.
I came back 2 weeks later, having struggled with some of the exercises due to my knee not liking it (I’ve had a knee issue since a teenager), but also having reduced back pain. Becky reviewed what I’d done and did some more wedge work before modifying the exercises slightly to suit my knee and amazingly it stopped hurting. Even during the session, I could feel progress with the back pain, having reduced intensity.
A day on from the 2nd session and I really feel I’ve made progress, back pain is less intense and over a smaller area. I’m able to progress further with the exercises and my knee isn’t grumbling so much. I’m looking forward to further progress as I continue with the exercises.
Becky is a great listener and observer of the body, she is open-minded and clearly loves a challenge! Her methods are very flexible and she is able to react immediately to whatever comes up during a session. I’m delighted with the results so far. After just one session I began to see a significant improvement in the arch in my foot. Importantly, I am beginning to understand what types of movements can quickly reduce any pain or limitations that I am feeling.
I think the most surprising thing was how simple the exercises are and how quickly they have helped and how easy they are to incorporate into my day. I would put down to Becky’s skill at analysing bodies and her extensive knowledge of how a body links together and then determining which specific moves will best help.
I am now able to stand or walk all day without crippling pains in my feet. AiM Gait Therapy is one of the worlds best kept secrets that everybody needs!
Thanks for everything Becky!
After the second session I noticed my balance was a lot better. I noticed after a few sessions that I now walk with my chin/head up which had an effect on my whole body.
The whole experience has had quite an impact on my general well-being and fitness, and has given me a more positive attitude towards myself.
Circuit Training with a Twist classes
I feel my mental and physical well-being have improved greatly since starting the class.
Your Circuits classes are wonderfully adaptable. Unlike any other circuit class I’ve been to, individuals of very different fitness can work effectively at a level each feels comfortable with. The flexibility and stretching aspects of the exercises are also unusual in the field, and improved my core strength and stamina very effectively.
I have been attending Becky’s weekly Circuits sessions for over two years now and have improved in many ways; fitness, balance, core strength and my general wellbeing as well as the sessions helping me with my weight loss (combined with sensible diet).
I have been a member of 3 gyms and have attended various keep fit sessions in the past but have not come across anything that has had such an impact on me, my body and my fitness levels with enjoyment and a social friendly atmosphere.
A lot of fun and laughter, friendship and a sense of belonging, individual attention if I need it from Becky plus what I aimed to achieve – to get fit and stay slim.
I know I move better and feel better after our Circuits classes. They are fun, never the same and I definitely feel sluggish if I haven’t been for a week or two. Also it keeps my weight at bay.
The Circuit Training with a Twist classes are engaging and different from what you normally think of as circuit training. I come away thinking ‘Why couldn’t school exercise have been such fun?.
I joined Becky’s class when I retired and found it great fun and very beneficial. I was a little apprehensive initially but need not have worried at all as the different exercises were all variable according to skill and/or fitness. Becky is on hand to help and guide, giving special attention to any “newbies”.
Over the next few months I found that I could manage more and more of the different exercises and was gaining in fitness all the time.
Becky is a great teacher and enthusiast for her topic; and I can recommend her classes to anyone (of any age or fitness) who wants to get fitter and to have fun at the same time.
My previous ventures into exercise are wide, varied, unsuccessful, uninspiring, sometimes humiliating and for all of those reasons very short lived.
However I have to say Becky that you have been an inspiration to me – I have really enjoyed the Circuit Training with a Twist evenings. Your sunny disposition, gentle coaxing and positive approach answer the question “What has kept you coming back for more?” – it’s simple really, you do.
Becky’s ‘Circuits’ classes are often challenging, even punishing, but always varied and enjoyable and one leaves them feeling that it was an hour well spent.
No two classes are ever the alike, with new exercises frequently introduced and old ones resurrected. They are designed to gently remind every part of the body that it has a purpose and will not be allowed to degenerate. Becky ensures everyone feels included and welcome.
I would recommend Becky’s classes to anyone without hesitation. I had never imagined that exercise could be fun – but I was wrong. The classes are dramatically improving my stamina, helping me to build some strength and generally feel more able and more active. I’ve learnt that I’m not quite as incapable at exercise as I had always thought and that school PE lessons don’t have to haunt you for the rest of your life! My balance, coordination and circulation are improving, as is my strength and endurance. It would not be an overstatement to say that these classes have significantly bettered my life
I’ve done circuit training before and really didn’t like it. The exercises were too hard, they seemed to last forever (about 2 min in reality) and it was very boring. You knew what was coming next from previous sessions. There was also a lot of running backwards and forwards which I didn’t enjoy. However, I’m glad to say that Becky’s classes are not like the above at all. Each week has a different set of exercises: some from last week, some from previous weeks and some completely new. They challenge your body in very different ways.
Warm up and cool down is very different to what I’ve done in other classes too. Like the exercises, they take brain power as well as muscle power. We also do fun things like throw cushions at each other and we spend a lot of time laughing.
Becky is brilliant at getting us to entertain her with our attempts at exercises which are much harder than they look! But seriously, they always involve well thought out combinations of balance, coordination, flexibility and strength. Her approach allows you to work at your own level and she keeps a close eye on everybody for an intense and highly enjoyable session. I have already (in four sessions) noticed an improvement in core strength and much reduced lower back pain when running.
I look forward to Tuesday evenings and paying in advance really helps as it makes you go even when it’s a cold and wet and dark winter’s evening. You come out feeling really righteous. The best thing about circuits (other than the fun) is that my bingo wings have gone – yay!
Pilates with a Twist Classes
I went swimming last week and for the first time in 18 months since a stroke, managed to swim in a straight line. This is due to your excellent exercises and support.
I couldn’t leave Derby without letting you know how much I’ve enjoyed your classes. Your creativity, passion and integrity shine through. You make exploring movement fun, as it should be. Keep up the brilliant work.
I need low impact exercise due to back, shoulder and ankle problems. I also am overweight and other than walking do not do any other kind of exercise.
I get a sense of achieving sometimes the impossible for me at the classes. I can move in ways I have never been able to before and some exercises are easily achievable at home.
I really enjoy these classes as there is a sense of “all of us together”, we are not made to feel inadequate if we cannot complete the exercise. We are always told “if it hurts don’t do it”.
I find I have more movement in my body and the moves are easier than before, as I was quite stiff. After the classes I feel relaxed and have a good nights sleep. Meeting friends at the classes is fun and we have a lot of laughter. The classes are fun and informative.
Not only does Becky make the classes great fun, she is really inspirational. At the end of a class you feel energised even if you’ve dropped off to sleep during any relaxation exercises! You also feel that you want to keep up the practice at home which has got to be a big plus in keeping the body flexible and moving generally.
I have had on-going back problems for some years and a particularly troublesome time just over a year ago. Whilst I’m not fully sorted many of the movements and exercises that Becky has taught me have definitely helped me to think about how I move, improved my posture and kept me almost pain free.
I have loved the classes from the first one that I attended. Your philosophy on exercise makes sense to me and the variety of the exercises never allows the classes to be boring or predictable. I can achieve more movement in all the exercises than I could when I began.
Just a quick email to say how much I’m enjoying your classes, and that I feel that already they’re helping. So grateful to have found you!
I find it really interesting when you talk about the body and the brain, and how moving the body differently wakes the brain up.
I like that I have my bounce back and I can reach higher and stretch more. Also the class gives me friendship – it has a warm and fun atmosphere and we always have a giggle.
I have done Pilates before so I am continuing the improvement in my back strength but whereas before the class got a little boring, “ With a Twist” is so much more enjoyable and the time flies by. Nobody should feel unsafe because there is no pressure to perform and if your body says NO you don’t have to do it.
Thank you for your message and also for accepting me into your class, I gained a real sense of achievement as I’d thought I was doomed to fail. I was a little sore yesterday but not nearly as bad as I thought I would be, today I am not so good but that is the nature of the illness. As you know I have weakness in my left leg, but I was amazed to find that this extends to my left arm as well, so this is something that I must work on with your help. I am looking forward to next week already.
The biggest problems I have being painful knees, back pain and high levels of stress which was having a knock on effect causing stiffness in the whole of my body.
Following my classes with Becky I am physically far more supple and my joints are not as painful. Mentally I am also much stronger. I feel more healthy, my confidence is increasing, and stress levels are being reduced. I am enjoying learning a new skill and my determination to succeed at something has returned.
We moved to South Wales last October. Remarkably what I miss most about not living where I used to is Becky. We attended Becky’s inspirational classes for less than a year but they changed our lives. We still miss them & have not been able to find here anything that comes remotely close to her brilliance. Much love Becky & Croeso Cymru!
Since I have been attending Becky’s classes I have noticed a complete change in my body’s mobility – previously I was stiff when I woke up in the morning, after sitting and after driving. Now my legs and hips feel looser, I don’t ache and walking is much easier.
I have seen an improvement in my flexibility since attending the classes. I have noticed that I don’t get so many migraines and when I do get one they are not so intense and don’t last as long. I enjoy the relaxing friendly classes and feel I have a bit of ‘me’ time. I can go in feeling stressed and leave a calmer person!!!
Becky changes the exercise routine each week, so that different areas of the body are targeted. This creates a more fresh feeling in our approach to exercising. I have benefited by keeping flexible (my back in particular) and thus free from pain in an ageing body which spends many hours gardening.
As I’ve got older, I experience a lot of muscle and joint pain, especially in my neck and shoulders and in my hips. Having done hill walking all my adult life I decided to try ‘Pilates with a Twist’ to try and get a little more flexible and try to stretch underused parts of my body.
I find the classes really demanding but enjoyable. They are nothing like previous Pilates classes that I have attended. Immediately after the class I feel much better in mind and body than before class, I then get a few aches and pains in the evening and then feel much MUCH better in every way the day after.
The sessions are professional, demanding, but fun.
The classes keep me more flexible and are a good stress reliever for my busy life juggling family and other responsibilities.
Before I discovered Pilates with a Twist I had little interest in exercising since my school days when I was always last at the races and couldn’t catch a ball for toffee. I enjoy the weekly Pilates sessions where exercises flow easily; we have a giggle and I leave feeling very relaxed. I can bend and stretch more easily, am not crippled by a good session in the garden and feel more energized and active.
Compared to the cost of regular physio and presumably osteopaths etc I think you offer incredible value, especially since you give added value with the homework. It’s great to have a “can do” body now rather than a “can’t do” one.
My body is saying ‘thank you’ this morning, nothing grumpy!
I watched the little animation about movement rather than exercising, very helpful!
I’ll start the ‘homework’…it’s interesting to me that I feel the need to start moving rather than exercising, I intuitively feel I’m not moving enough!
So, thank you, see you next Monday!
Things like changing a DVD, sorting coal for the fire, even standing in line at the supermarket, or more recently at the back of a club watching a gig, are now opportunities to practice a beneficial move or two. My wife and others have commented in the change in my posture but most importantly I’ve noticed the change. I walk taller, straighter and more open mostly because I now know how to, and the more I do it the better things become.
A combination of your lovely personality and fun teaching/guidance is enabling me to get more out of my body – making me aware of how flexible it can and should be has improved my feeling of well being and confidence…. helping to make a fairly stiff body into a more active one!
From a personal perspective and one who is usually as stiff as stiff as a board I find I am more flexible in the lower back and hips. My balance is improving and some of the stretching exercises I am including in my usual exercise routines.
I enjoy the company, the banter, and the non-competitive nature of the environment.
All the routines are done within the limits of each individual’s abilities and all with humour.
I feel noticeably better after a class and feel that I walk out of the class taller (not as hunched up) than on the way in. It especially helps after being sat down all day and when my back is aching. I’ve learnt that a little movement goes a long way and there are muscles I never knew I had. Also that exercise (movement) can be done anywhere and you don’t have to go to a gym to improve yourself. It makes me want to move more (go walking etc) and will help me keep up with my 6 year old. I’m also starting to understand how to move bits of me that were previously just coming along for the ride.
I had been doing a lot of sitting last week due to typing an assignment so my hips felt like they were in concrete. But your session got them mobile again and the following day a little boy had an asthma attack at the very bottom of the school field. I ran like the wind back to the school to get his inhaler and then returned. I certainly would never have been able to do this so easily without that session the night before.
A couple of years before I had taken part in the Mum’s race on sports day, it was half the distance and it took me two weeks to recover!
Your sessions are the only formal classes I have ever managed to stick with. I started the classes with a bad back but since I’ve been with you I haven’t had any significant problems. The main thing that enables me to keep returning though is you! I love your non judgmental approach. You are so positive and you never make me feel a failure (I’ve always felt stupid doing any kind of exercise other than going for a walk). Your imaginative approach really works for me too. What you offer is unique. You accept all our different bodies and minds and it encourages me to be more accepting of both myself and others. And it’s fun!!
I was looking for improved fitness, strength and flexibility and to some extent a desire to improve posture.
I really like the fun, the social contact (which I had not really looked for) also a great de-stresser after work. I enjoy the way my body feels more supple, stronger and fitter.
The classes are so much fun that the exercise seems to happen almost by accident!
I like the fact that everyone pays in blocks so you get to know people and it means everyone continuously improves. I that there are new moves every week. You are a good teacher and the people who come to the class are a really nice mix of people.
I attended the classes to address increasing stiffness in limbs and muscles and to build strength. A routine event to bring some discipline to exercising.
The taster class was welcoming and I felt supported and encouraged.
I like being pushed within individual limits and feeling stretched by the end, all within a supportive environment.
It’s early days yet (3 sessions), but I feel more conscious of the ‘right’ movement and already a bit more flexibility.
I was looking for a regular Pilates class that stretches me and keeps my body in line and in check.
At the taster class I was made to feel really comfortable and relaxed.
I love that I get a good stretch and full body check in and alinement. Also that it’s nice and friendly and a welcoming atmosphere.
I feel relaxed and rested after the classes and enjoy the fact that I don’t have any injuries from my riding and feel like I am able to perform to my best ability.
I like that the classes are in smaller groups which means you are able to watch and help us get the maximum benefits from the exercises. I love the fun side of the class, I leave not only feeling I have exercised my body but also my happy muscles. I have more body awareness, especially shoulder and neck. I’m so glad I found your class as I look forward to coming every week.
I joined with the aim of keeping fit as I get older and restoring flexibility to my right knee after a fall.
At the taster I was surprised how simple the moves were but so challenging to different parts of the body.
I like that we laugh about aches and pains, have encouragement from others. Plus it’s easier to exercise in a group than alone, I’m finding out what my body can/can’t do and discovering exercises that fit everyday activities (putting socks on, lifting shopping, etc)
My right knee and leg are gaining strength and flexibility and I’m gaining confidence in things I didn’t know I could do (e.g. squatting, standing on one leg, etc.) I’ve really appreciated the suggested exercises and have worked out simple routines for myself based on them.
I like that we practise different moves, but that all the exercises help us to feel and be aware of our whole selves. I like being part of the class. I enjoy the good humour and gentle persuasion! There are not many group activities that I engage with, so I enjoy the feeling of being part of “Becky’s community”.
I am moving with more confidence, feeling stronger and more optimistic for the future 🙂
I love how you consider brain and body together.
Thank you for making the classes interesting and fun. The hour goes so quickly!
At the taster class I felt nervous as I was totally unfit, but I was made welcome. Afterwards, I felt refreshed and in touch with my body after many years and relieved that I hadn’t made a complete fool of myself!
I really enjoy the variety of moves, pushing myself, the company, and having a laugh.
As a result of the classes I now have a lot less pain, feel more supple, and a little more body aware and confident maybe.
You do a great job, and I wish my body would respond better and more rapidly to your classes. But have to reluctantly accept that after cancer/multiple myeloma, heavy chemo, a stem cell transplant, weakened bones, and a major left leg trauma a few years ago, I will never be your star pupil. But, and even at 70, I still do not accept or understand the words impossible and cannot, so am up for any challenge!!!
In attending the classes I wanted more flexibility and to improve muscle strength and stamina and this has all happened.
At my taster I felt nervous but welcomed and very impressed immediately with the quality of your lessons the thoroughness and quality of your planning! But most of all being greeted and introduced by name which you do so brilliantly – no idea how you manage to remember everybody!
Initially I was sceptical and worried about the ‘twist” element of the classes as I has formed a belief that it was bad for my back to try and twist.
I now enjoy finding out what my body can and can’t do and seeing the progress I have made. I like all the groups of people I have encountered and really enjoy the personal approach and small numbers.
It’s great fun!
Since starting I have managed to let go of the idea that there is a right or wrong way to do the moves, which has helped in other areas of life too! I can do so much more now and am not afraid to try. I have begun to understand the difference between ‘asking for a bit more’ from my body and doing too much. I can definitely move specific parts of my back that a year ago would have been a mystery. I use the moves during the day to counteract bad posture or prolonged sitting. Much more aware overall of my body and definitely feel connected to it which is great.
I had spoken to you on the phone prior to the taster session and thought your approach sounded really interesting. I was in for a really positive experience and enjoyed your jolly and caring approach.
I enjoy everything about Pilates with a Twist. The well-prepared and professional development throughout the class and the term as well as the happy atmosphere you have created is always evident amongst the people who attend.
A big plus is that my body awareness is at the forefront of my mind more than ever before. No two lessons are the same so my thinking is far more tuned into my body and what it is being asked to do.
This is the best I have ever felt about the exercise classes I have attended.
I was recommended Pilates by my doctor to strengthen my back. I can still remember after my taster class walking home feeling 2 inches taller. I enjoy your narrative during the class and the feeling that I am using my body in ways I don’t usually experience.
I know I am stronger because I can tell the difference in myself after an 8 hour shift at the shop. I have little or no stiffness in my lower back and I’ve noticed I’m more supple than some of my younger colleagues.
Workshops and Talks
Thank-you for a great workshop – it was just what I needed. I had no idea how tense I was!
I liked your skeletal models to help visualise what is happening inside. The best bits are the moments of self discovery so that’s why talking about something and then trying if for ourselves really re-enforces the learning. Thank you for an excellent session.
Thank you again for the workshop this morning. My whole body feels so much more mobile and my back now hardly feels stiff at all.
I really enjoyed feeling my body in a different way. I find this fascinating. I had a good time and I felt more relaxed after.
I really enjoyed the workshop and feel that I have much more awareness of my body now. I slept better last night and have felt great today – I even managed a walk this afternoon.
Many thanks for the excellent workshop. I couldn’t believe 2 hours went so quickly and you certainly woke up parts of my body that were ‘snoozing’. I think that understanding how your body and muscles work is important and interesting. I will certainly be attending future ones.
It was great to have a couple of hours with like minded people and an excellent teacher.
I felt so much better after – I have not felt so relaxed in ages.
The content was well balanced, with the right amount to process and remember.
The workshop exceeded my expectations.
Really good explanation of the workings of anatomy. It was great to observe how different bodies work and learn what each one needs to help adjust their everyday movements and habits. Also the exercises you have sent each of us after the workshop have been very helpful.
I found the workshop gave me time to slow down and reflect on my movements and areas of tightness in my body. I found the information and discussion on footwear really helpful too.